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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Being Myself

I really don't think that anyone in this world knows the real me. My closest friends know me better than anyone else, but I don't think I’ve ever let certain sides of me come out around anyone except myself. I keep some feelings hidden because no one would understand, and even if they did understand, there wouldn't be anything that anyone could do to make the feelings disappear.

I would like to share few things about me which u might not know.
here it goes:

I eat tremendous amount of food, more than you can possibly imagine. I weigh 60 Kg.
No matter how much i eat i do not gain a single kg. It’s a bless or a curse depends on your point of view.

i always search new paths to reach the destination. I avoid to go on same routes again and again. (no specific reason at all).

i like girls with dark short hairs.

I’ve never fallen in love.

i don’t care much for people and yet i always complain about being lonely (or do i? maybe I’m not so good at showing it).

I hate waiting i do not possess patience and i am bit hasty in doing things.tough i am persistent and stubborn.

I have an assholes hit list. So when the time comes, I’ll know who to whack !

I’ve always had a beautiful long black hair when i was young ,but now I’m going bald. they are gonna call me the thin bald guy. THEN, I’m gonna do some serious whacking :P .

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